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Urgent Security Advisory: Discord & Twitter Compromised - Official Announcement

Dear Avian Network Community,

We regret to inform you that our Discord and Twitter accounts have been compromised, and we are actively working to address the situation. We want to provide you with an update on the current situation and precautionary measures to ensure the safety of our community.

Here's what we know so far:

  1. Discord Compromise: Our Discord server has been locked and team members were removed from the server without authorization. Additionally, the administrative server was deleted.

  2. Twitter Compromise: An unauthorized post was made on our Twitter account promoting an eth stealing airdrop. We want to emphasize that this post is fraudulent and we strongly advise our community not to click on any associated links or send any funds. Please exercise caution and remain vigilant.

The following team members have been confirmed to be safe and their identities have been verified:

  • MrPeer_here (Discord: Mr.Peer#6656)

  • Refloow (Discord: Refloow#4996)

  • Crypto_Cheif (Discord: Crypto Cheif#8189)

We urge you to verify the identity of anyone who reaches out to you and to exercise caution when interacting with unfamiliar individuals.

We want to reiterate that we have no involvement with any eth stealing airdrops or any associated scams. Our official website is, and we advise our community to only engage with our official channels and platforms.

Our team is actively working to regain control of our Discord server and Twitter account. We will provide regular updates as the situation progresses.

The security and trust of our community are of utmost importance to us. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this challenging time. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our verified team members mentioned above or contact our official support channels. We kindly invite each and every one of you to join our backup server:, Please note that this backup server has been created to maintain open lines of communication while we work diligently to regain control of our primary Discord server.

We kindly request your assistance in sharing this announcement within the wider Avian Network community. Help us spread the word by sharing this message on social media, forums, and any other platforms where our community members gather. Stay vigilant, refrain from clicking suspicious links, and safeguard your personal information. Together, we will overcome this setback and continue to build a strong and secure community. Sincerely,

Junaid Peer Mr.Peer#6656 Core Developer - Avian Network

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